duemir's place

A Denys Digtiar's blog about life, work and everything.

How to Contribute to Eclipse Site Without a Hassle

I am a proponent of an open source software, so I have always been keen to give back. Eclipse IDE being a program which I use almost everyday has always been in my list of projects to contribute to. However, I never seem to find enough time to dive deep enough into any of the projects to fix even relatively small bugs. One day I noticed that eclipse web sites are also open sourced and anybody, with enough web development knowledge, can submit patches. That is how I decided to try working a bit on Eclipse sites in my spare time.

Most Eclipse projects’ sites are built using another Eclipse project called Phoenix. It is written in PHP and basically provides templating and common components for static pages. It requires a bit of copy paste but other than that does not get in the way. Another not so good thing is documentation which is a bit messy and outdated. It also does not describe the setup for local development but gives the idea that everything that is needed is an Apache server and PHP. I did not want to install either of them on my laptop, so I decided to use a virtual machine.

That is where Vagrant and Puppet come into play and make contributing to eclipse sites hassle free for me and others. I configured a simple Vagrant machine and wrote a small puppet manifest for provisioning an Apache and PHP, which I made freely available on my Github (usage notes are in README file). Now if I see something that needs to be fixed on the eclipse site, I can simply clone its repo, run vagrant up and I am ready for coding with instant feedback.


Stuck somewhere in the back of my mind is this idea, that I for some unknown reason MUST have a blog. As if having Twitter, Facebook and Google+ is not enough to fulfil my sharing needs, not to mention numerous other services I am registered on, such as foursquare, Instagram, LinkedIn, Coderwall and some Russian clones of previously mentioned. Not that I am using all this junk, at the moment I focus my attention only on Twitter, Instagram, foursquare and LinkedIn. Anyway, I want a blog to try to keep my knowledge organized, to express my opinions and thoughts, to share my experiences and just to own it. OK. Decided! I am doing this blogging thing!!!

Why re-blog than? Because I had a blog on this same URL. Nothing particularly interesting. Nothing that I could not have shared using Twitter, except maybe one post. In this incarnation of the blog I promise to be more conscious of the format and not publish single sentence posts. Therefore, I encourage you to follow me on Twitter but be aware that I also use it as a medium for sharing my favourite music.

As a conclusion, a little bit about blog structure. I plan to categorize every post in either Work or Life category. Work is everything IT related, Life – everything else. I will use additional content specific categories but these two are mandatory. In my opinion, this way it will be easy to separate all technical from all non-technical stuff and only read or subscribe to what you are interested in. Speaking of which, links to the category pages are bellow, following are links to RSS: Work and Life.

That is it. Wait for the first post.