duemir's place

A Denys Digtiar's blog about life, work and everything.

Denys Digtiar

Brisbane, Australia

I am a Software Developer. My primary speciality is Java, but I also have experience with Groovy in such areas as build automation and testing. Since I mostly worked on Web applications, I have acquainted myself with various Web technologies. I am particularly interested in JavaScript. My professional career began in 2007 in Ukraine and brought me to Australia in 2013. If you are interested in a detailed resume please check my LinkedIn Profile.

I do not plan to write about anything particular, but you can expect such topics to be discussed here as: everything JVM obviously; Eclipse since I have some strange affection for this community; JavaScript in all its incarnations; GNU/Linux and Ubuntu because it is my Operating System of choice; and Open Source since it is something that inspires me.

Read my introductory post for more background to the blog and a little bit about its structure. [link]

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